Tak posrednio w temacie Widzialem wlasnie fote C64 reloaded mk2 - na pewno lepsza opcja niz jedynka
ale nie umywa sie do ultimate64. Jesli cena ma byc podobna to Jens wtopil...
Jens ma jeszcze w zanadrzu MK3
"If you want to compare, you need to wait for the MK3, which will be announced in august, probably around the GamesCom (Cologne, Germany). The MK2 is a "real chips"-version, aiming at totally different people with the expectation of 100% compatibility, no questions asked.
With an FPGA computer, it is way more difficult to reach 100%, as Gideon already points out on his page. The Chameleon core will give the Commodore 64 Reloaded MK3 a head start of over 20 man-years, so compatibility-wise, I have a clear expectation which one will stand the scene's test. Price-wise, Gideon does aim low. In fact so low that I won't be able to offer the MK3 for that price."