Tak mi napisał 08.09.15 - płaciłem 21.08
"Dear client,
This E-mail is to inform you about the current status of the 1541Ultimate-II related order that I have on record.
The status of your order is "Paid", which means that you have a confirmed place on the shipping list. All paid orders can be satisfied with the materials that I have on stock now.
I expected to be shipping already, but the work pressure at my daily job and some things that require attention at home with my family, caused things to be a bit slow in the last days. I apologize for this.
This coming weekend, I will try to prepare as many boxes for shipping as I can. I am still waiting for some SD cards, and I also need to prepare some tape adapters to ship. Soon, your order status will change from "Paid" to "Packing", which means that you cannot change any information anymore on your order. Please verify that the shipping address is correct and complete. I often come across addresses without ZIP code, or even without city. This slows down the shipping process significantly. And, if I don't see this, the package will not arrive, or arrive with additional postal delays.
Thank you for your patience,