>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------< Mindshadow™ (© Activision 1984) Map, Pharser Rip and Solution by P.Styrnell 2004 (Farang96@yahoo.com) >----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------< >---------------------------------< | Mindshadow™ (© Activision 1984) | | PART I - The Desert Island | >---------------------------------< ____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ N |> Items: <| | | | | | | | |>----------<| | Quicksand |__| Quicksand |__| Quicksand | W--|--E | 1) Shell | | Area | | Area | | Area | | | 2) Straw | |______ ______| |_____________| |______ ______| S | 3) Steel | | | | 4) Vine | _____________ ______|______ ______|______ | 5) Rock | | | | | | | | 6) Map | | Quicksand |__| Quicksand | | Quicksand | | 7) Rum | | Area | | Area | | Area | |>__________<| |______ ______| |_____________| |______ ______| | | ______|______ ______|______ _____________ | | | | |(7) | | Quicksand | | Quicksand |__| Remote | | Sign | | Area | | Beach | |______ ______| |_____________| |_____________| | ______|______ |(2)Inside | _____________ _____________ | The Hut | |(3) | |(4) | |------|------|__| Old |__| Jungle | | Outside | | Dory | | Oasis | | The Hut | |_____________| |_____________| |______ ______| | ______|______ _____________ |(1) | | | | The Beach |__| Rocky | | [START] | | Cliff | |_____________| |______ ______| | _____________ ______|______ |(5,6) | | | | Inside |__| Cave | | The Cave | | Entrance | |_____________| |_____________| >---------------------------------< | Mindshadow™ (© Activision 1984) | | PART II - The Pirate Schooner | >---------------------------------< ____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ N |> Items: <| | | | | | | | |>----------<| | Port Bow |__| Poop Deck |__| Starboard | W--|--E | 8) Meat- | | | | | | Bow | | | Cleaver | |______ ______| |_____________| |______ ______| S | | | | | 9) Canvas | ______|______ _____________ ______|______ |>__________<| | | | | | | | Port Side | | Sick Bay |__| Starboard | | (N) | | | | Side (N) | |______ ______| |______ ______| |______ ______| | | | ______|______ ______|______ ______|______ _____________ |(9) | | | | | | | | Lifeboat | | The Crew's | | [START] |__| Gang | | | | Quarters | | | | Plank | |______ ______| |______ ______| |______ ______| |_____________| | | | ______|______ ______|______ ______|______ | | |(8) | | | | Port Side | | The | | Starboard | | (S) | | Galley | | Side (S) | |______ ______| |_____________| |______ ______| | | ______|______ _____________ ______|______ | | | | | | | Port Stern |__| Ship's |__| Starboard | | | | Stern | | Stern | |_____________| |_____________| |_____________| >---------------------------------< | Mindshadow™ (© Activision 1984) | | PART III - England | >---------------------------------< ______________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ N |> Items: <| | | | | |(14) | | | | |>------------<| | The | |Baker Street |__| The | | The | W--|--E | 10) Hat | | Airport | | (N) | | Store | | Restroom | | | 11) Money | |______ ______| |______ ______| |_____________| |______ ______| S | 12) Fishing | | | | | Pole | ______|______ ______|______ _____________ ______|______ | 13) Newspaper| | | | | | | | | | 14) Tickets | | Drunken | |Baker Street |__| Rick's |__| The Dining | |>____________<| | Man | | | | Cafe | | Room | |______ ______| |______ ______| |_____________| |_____________| | | _____________ ______|______ ______|______ _____________ |(13) | | | | | | | | The Pier |__| The Docks |__|Baker Street |__| Dark Alley | | [START] | | | | (S) | | | |_____________| |______ ______| |_____________| |______ ______| | | ______|______ ______|______ |(12) | |(10,11) | | Old | | Dead-End | | Fisherman | | | |_____________| |_____________| >---------------------------------< | Mindshadow™ (© Activision 1984) | | PART IV - Luxembourg | >---------------------------------< ______________ _____________ _____________ N |> Items: <| | | | | | |>------------<| | Elevator to | | Stairway to | W--|--E | 15) Note | | 2:nd Floor | | 2:nd Floor | | | 16) ID Card | |______ ______| |______ ______| S | 18) Leaflet | | | | 19) Gun | ______|______ ______|______ _____________ _____________ _____________ |>____________<| | | | | | | | | | | | The |__| Luxembourg |__| Tourist |__| Mountain |__| Mountain | | Lobby | | Hotel | | Quarter | | Wilderness | | Wilderness | |_____________| |_____________| |______ ______| |_____________| |______ ______| | | _____________ ______|______ _____________ ______|______ _____________ |(19) | | | | | | | | | | The |__| Strausbahn |__| Mountain |__| Mountain |__| Mountain | | Bank | | | | Wilderness | | Wilderness | | Wilderness | |_____________| |______ ______| |_____________| |______ ______| |______ ______| | | | _____________ _____________ ______|______ ______|______ ______|______ |(15,16) | | | | | | | |(18) | | Small |__| The |__| Strausbahn | | Mountain |__| Remote | | Booths | | Inn | | (S) | | Wilderness | | Wilderness | |_____________| |_____________| |______ ______| |_____________| |_____________| | ______|______ | | | The Airport | | [START] | |_____________| >---------------------------------< | Mindshadow™ (© Activision 1984) | | PART IV(B) - Luxembourg | | Luxembourg Hotel 2:nd Floor | >---------------------------------< _______________ _____________ _____________ _____________ N |> Items: <| | | | | |(20,21) | | |>-------------<| | Room |__| Hall |__| Room | W--|--E | 17) Parchment | | #208 | | | | #207 | | | 20) Pistol | |_____________| |______ ______| |_____________| S | 21) Message | | |>_____________<| _____________ ______|______ _____________ | | | | | | | Room |__| Hall |__| Room | | #206 | | | | #205 | |_____________| |______ ______| |_____________| | _____________ ______|______ _____________ | | | | | | | Room |__| Hall |__| Room | | #204 | | | | #203 | |_____________| |______ ______| |_____________| | _____________ _____________ ______|______ _____________ | | |(17) | | | | | | Elevator | | Room |__| Hall |__| Room | | | | #202 | | | | #201 | |______ ______| |_____________| |______ ______| |_____________| | | ______|______ ______|______ | | | | | 2:nd Floor |___________________| Hall | | [START] | | (Stairway) | |_____________| |_____________| >----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------< Mindshadow™ (© Activision 1984) - Verbs List - >----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------< ACT DAMN GET (ALL/EVERYTHING) MAKE SAIL UNLOCK ASK DEPART GIVE MANIPULATE SAVE UNTIE ATTACH DIG GOBBLE MOVE SAY UNWEAR ATTACK DISROBE GRAB MUNCH SCARE UP (U) AWAKEN DISTURB MURDER SCRAPE USE DOWN (D) HAIL SCREAM DRAG HAND NORTH (N) SCREW WAIT BAKE DRAW HANG SEARCH WAKE BANG DRINK HELP OPEN SHAKE WALK BITE DRIVE HINT SHOOT WAVE BLOW DROP (ALL/EVERYTHING) HIT PICK SIT WEAR BOOTH DUCK HURL PROPOSITION SLEEP WEST (W) BRIBE PULL SMELL WORK BURGER INSERT PURCHASE SNIFF BURN EAST (E) INVENTORY PUSH SOUND YELL BUY EAT PUT SOUTH ENTER JUMP SPEAK EXAMINE QUICKLOAD STRIP EXHALE KICK QUICKSAVE SWIM CHECK EXIT KILL QUIT SWING CHOP KISS CLEAN KNOCK RAISE CLIMB FEED READ CLOSE FIGHT LASSO RELAX CONSUME FILCH LEAP REMEMBER TAKE CONVERSE FIRE LEAVE REMOVE TALK COOK FISH LIFT REPAIR THANK CRAP FIX LIGHT REST THINK CRAWL FLUSH LISTEN RESTORE THROW CREATE FLY LOAD RING TIE CRY FOLLOW LOOK ROB TORCH CUT FUCK LOWER ROPE TURN >----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------< Mindshadow™ (© Activision 1984) - Solution - >----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------< >-----------------------------< PART I - The Desert Island >-----------------------------< First GET the SHELL(1) at the beach then Head to the NORTH and ENTER the HUT. EXAMINE the HUT then GET some STRAW(2). EXIT the HUT and go EAST to the old dory. LOOK at the DORY then GET the STEEL(3). Continue EAST to the jungle then GET the VINE(4). Return to the beach there you started (WEST, WEST, SOUTH) then go EAST to the cliff and EXAMINE the CLIFF. TIE the VINE TO the ROCK, DROP ALL then Climb DOWN the Vine and ENTER the CAVE. EXAMINE the CAVE and GET the ROCK(5). EXAMINE the ROCK then DIG and GET the MAP(6) (which is used to find through the quicksand maze). Exit the cave to the EAST and climb UP. GET ALL the items you dropped before. Go to the sign (WEST, NORTH and NORTH). Continue through the quicksand area (NORTH, NORTH, EAST, NORTH, EAST, EAST, SOUTH, SOUTH and EAST). Have a LOOK around the beach, EXAMINE TRUNK, and GET the RUM(7). Then return to the first beach where you started (WEST, NORTH, NORTH, WEST, WEST, SOUTH, WEST, SOUTH, SOUTH, SOUTH). Now BANG ROCK ON the STEEL, which makes a spark that causes the straw to burn. >-----------------------------< PART II - The Pirate Schooner >-----------------------------< When the Pirate Captain arrives, GIVE the RUM to captain. Once on the ship, go NORTH, WEST, then SOUTH, to the crew of pirates, FIGHT the MAN. After the men all backed off, go SOUTH into the kitchen and GET the MEAT-CLEAVER(8). Then find the lifeboat. (North, North, East, North, West, West, South, South) EXAMINE the BOAT and GET the CANVAS. Now find the anchor (SOUTH, SOUTH and EAST). EXAMINE ANCHOR, and CUT the CHAIN WITH the CLEAVER. This stops the ship so that you can disembark. Go EAST, LOOK TELESCOPE. The Navy is on the way. Head to the Plank (NORTH, NORTH then EAST). Disembark the ship to the EAST >-----------------------------< PART III - England >-----------------------------< Deposited on the docks, DROP the Items you don't need any more (just keep the canvas and the shell), Now continue to the alley (EAST, EAST and EAST, then SOUTH) to get to the dead-end. SEARCH the MAN AND GET the HAT(10). From here continue to Baker Street (NORTH, WEST And NORTH). Now enter the cafe to the EAST. GIVE the HAT to the woman. Enter the the dining room to the EAST. EXAMINE the DRINK that was deposit at your table. Then FOLLOW the running MAN. The man gives your the name of the name of a ship. THINK TYCOON. Then get back to the hat check room (SOUTH then WEST). GET your HAT back. EXAMINE the HAT and THINK BOB. Get out of the cafe to the WEST and continue SOUTH, WEST, then NORTH. BRIBE the MAN here, then get to the old fisherman (SOUTH then SOUTH). BUY the FISHING POLE(12) and return to the Docks where you started (NORTH then WEST) and USE the POLE. GET the NEWSPAPER(13). READ PAPER and THINK ARCMAN. From here go EAST, EAST, NORTH, NORTH and EAST. and SAY CHANDRALT and BUY AND EXAMINE TICKET(14). Continue from here to WEST, SOUTH, SOUTH, WEST, NORTH and NORTH. Then ENTER PLANE. >-----------------------------< PART IV - Luxembourg >-----------------------------< From the airport go NORTH, then WEST to enter the bar. Enter BOOTH 11 and SEARCH the MAN. GET The NOTE(15) AND the ID CARD(16), READ the NOTE, then THINK JARED. DROP NOTE, then EXAMINE the ID CARD. THINK BOB MASTERS. Now get back to the street (EAST then EAST). Then Continue to the hotel (NORTH then NORTH). Enter the Hotel to the WEST. CLIMB the STAIRS and find your room #202 (NORTH then WEST). Now you have two choices. 1:You can WEAR the CANVAS that you found in the lifeboat on the ship and enter the room to the WEST. Or 2:You can enter the room to the WEST and then DUCK. Once inside the room, GET the PARCHMENT(17). LOOK at the PARCHMENT, which is a map that shows you where something is buried. Now get out from the hotel (EAST, SOUTH, DOWN then EAST), and find the place on the map (EAST, EAST, SOUTH, SOUTH, then EAST. use the shell to DIG and GET the LEAFLET(18). READ IT. From here get to the bank (NORTH, WEST, WEST, WEST), enter the bank to the WEST and SAY AN11649 (the account on the paper). GET the BOX and OPEN IT. GET the GUN(19) inside. DROP the BOX. Return to the hotel (EAST, NORTH then WEST) and go up stairs to Jared's room #207 at the end of the hall. (For fun, you can also try the other rooms) Once in Jared's room, SHOOT the MAN. GET the NOTE(21) and THINK WILLIAM. Now your memory is restored and the story is revealed... >----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------< Mindshadow™ (© Activision 1984) Map, Pharser Rip and Solution by P.Styrnell 2004 (Farang96@yahoo.com) >----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<